
Saturday, 21 December 2019

Day 5: Activity 2: Swimming to Safety

Today I have completed the second activity for Day 5. This activity was where I summarise what I listened to in a Podcast of Yusra Mardini and her story on her personal website. Down below is my summarise of her story. 

Yusra Mardini was on a boat in Syria. The boat she was on had an engine failure. Yusra's Sister jumped out of the boat to help the boat not crash, she knew that she could've died but she still went on because she wanted to keep the remaining people safe. She rescued everyone and then soon got noticed. She then become more known and was invited to be apart of the first ever refugee Olympic team.


  1. Talofa Lava Florence!,
    Wow! I have enjoyed reading your summary about the situation with Yusra Mardini. It's awesome how Yusra save 20 people. I like how you have explained what you have done for this activity. You have some detailed sentences which is great. Did you find this activity difficult?

    Awesome Work!

  2. Kia Ora Florence! You did really well on this summary. Yursa's courage and bravery to volunteer as to help stop the boat from tipping over, is amazing. Those 20 passengers were really lucky for her to put her own life at steak. How do you think it must has felt for the people on the boat, and those in the open water? Nice job!

  3. Kia Ora Florence,

    Well done for writing a recount about Yursa.I can imagine it was very scary for Yusra. She was very brave, wasn’t she? Did you know that her father used to swim in a team and he taught both her and her sister how to swim? Luckily he did otherwise they wouldn't have been able to swim to find help! Now Yusra is getting ready for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. If you had the chance to compete at the Olympics, which event would it be in?

    I look forward to reading more of your blog posts soon!

    Blog ya later,

  4. Hi Florence,
    I liked how you said that Yusra Mardini jumped out of the boat, knowing she could die but still helped keep the other passengers safe. I find it interesting that she was invited to the first refugee Olympic team. Do you think you could do the same as her if a boat that you were in had its engine fail?


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