
Monday, 17 December 2018

Day 2 | Activity 3 | SLJ

This week for the Summer Learning Journey I have completed Day 2 Activity 3. This activity was where I had to use my Math skills. I had to figure out if I gave my cactus 3 ml of water everyday for a year, how much water have I given it from the start of the year to the end. This was difficult to solve but fun. I explained the answer 2 times because every 4 years we have a leap year. So we have an extra day in a leap year.


  1. Hi Florence

    Wow, I LOVE that you solved this problem for both a regular year and a leap year. I hadn’t even considered that the cactus would need more water every four years.

    I’d really like to see how you went about solving this problem. I’m always on the lookout for new maths strategies that I can teach my class!

    Keep up the creative problem solving and think Florence!


  2. Hi Florence,

    What an amazing blog post from you. Niceeee, I love the formula that you've used for this activity. Good on you for using google drawings to do this. The way you solved it is great. Did you enjoy this activity?

    Nice Work!

  3. Hello Florence,
    What a nice way to layout your thinking on your DLO instead of your blog post. Great we got the same answer!. Your thinking is getting smarter already!. Keep it up!


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