This week for the summer learning journey I have completed the last day of the first week of the SLJ. This activity was where I had to write a description of what Nz is like. The description had to have a lot of information, for example a person that hasn't been to Nz ever or hasn't even seen a photo of NZ can read this description and know what happens in NZ and what it's like to be in NZ. Down below is the description of NEW ZEALAND.
New Zealand is a great place to be in. It is calm & Peaceful. New Zealand has the best food like KFC, Mc Donalds, Burger king etc. New Zealand also has the greatest beaches, oceans and sea. The water is always crystal clear blue. If you come to New Zealand there are so many places to visit, you can learn the history of New Zealand. The language that is used in Nz is Te reo Maori & English. New Zealand also has a Maori title, it is called Aotearoa. The beautiful Aotearoa was treated amazing by voyagers. New Zealand has loads of sructual building, famous buildings like the Bee hive that is located in wellington, Down in the south Island. New Zealand is made up of 3 Islands which are called "The North Island, The South Island and Stewart island." The smallest island out of all three is Stewart Island. I love Aotearoa, you should too.