
Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Auckland Zoo Challenge

In LS2, we created different activities to complete at home. These activities were based on places in New Zealand. Victoria, Haylee, Sakina, Taheesha and I worked collaboratively and started off with the Auckland Zoo activities. For the first activity, we wrote about what the benefits a person gets when they buy a friend of a zoo pass, how much a friend of a zoo pass costs and the costs of your family to each have a friend of a zoo annual pass. For our second activity, we chose an animal from the zoo and created an infographic about them. For our bonus activity, we created a DLO about zoo keeping.


  1. Hey Florence,

    I had noticed that you have created a blo post on your Auckland Zoo Challenge. Wow! A lot of detail that you guys have put into this. I really love your layout and how despriptive your informatio is. My Question is Would you ever persue the job off being a Zoo-Keeper?

    - Sulia

  2. Hi Florence

    It's great to see you all collaborating together online. I really enjoyed reading your DLO and like the way you have made slide 5 interactive. That's a great idea. I did not know zoos have been around so long and that they were first used to help scientists learn more about the behaviour and anatomy of animals. If you could visit any zoo in the world which one would it be and why?

    Mrs A


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