I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 30 May 2018
Kiwi Can
This week for kiwi can we talked more about the new topic which is role models. Our theme is integrity, Integrity means doing the right thing when no one is looking and role model means when you do good dissensions so that if younger kids look up to you they will do the same thing as you. The games we played were bang and tooty fruity. To play Bang you will need to get into a circle and have one person in the middle. The person in the middle has to say one name from the people in the circle. Who evers name was called out will have to bob down and the two people next to them has to say bang and who ever said bang first the other person is out. But if your name is called out and you are to slow to bob down and someone says bang then you are out. You had to keep doing that until their is a winner. The last two standing has to go back to back and someone has to do a story and then there has to be a magic word and when they say that magic word the two left overs will have to say bang then who ever said bang first then they have won. To play tooty fruity you have to get into a circle and and look to the right. Then someone will have to say the three fruits which are apple,orange and banana. Apple means jump forward, orange means jump backwards and banana means turn around and face the other way. You have to try and mix it up and have one person standing.
Kiwi can,
Role Model
Friday, 25 May 2018
Elective Task
This week I decided to do the elective task myself. I have done the sculpturing elective task. For the task I had to sculpt out the digestive system body parts. I made all of these body parts with pink play dough. The hardest body part to make was the Large and small intestine. The easiest was the Pancreas. I enjoyed doing this task because I know what the body parts of the digestive system look like so I don't have to look it up and I know what the body parts all do to be apart of the digestive system.
Elective Task,

For robotics we made little models of moving things. We made the moving things with the brain a motor and other Lego pieces that were included. I was working with Fau for 3 weeks. Next week we will have to get into new partners. We had big boxes, a tray and a organizer. The organizer was a paper that had how many of the items that had to go into the tray. There were heaps of items including wheels to make the robot move. For the Models we had to make brain balance on the motor. Fau and I had many attempts but just couldn't get there, in the end we got our brain to sit on top of the motor with a little bit of help from the teacher and Carl. On the last week of being with our partners were got to finish off our models and have a competition to see what robot was the best. We did that by putting the robot on the long tables and then pressing the button on the brain.
Compulsory task
L.I to finish off the compulsory tasks. We learnt how to finish off compulsory tasks in a whole week. We finished of the picture,Slide presentation,explanation and the word ring. We learnt this by figuring out who does what. I did the Explanation, Nicole did the picture, Miiana did the Slide presentation, Pua and Sione A did the word ring. We had to finish this to be able to do the elective tasks.
Compulsory task,
Kiwi sport
This week for rippa rugby we learnt more of how to play rippa rugby. We were put into groups and we had to put on a belt and a rip. Next we had to try and rip of as many rips as we can, who ever had the most rips off is the winner. The next game we played was where we have to find a partner and you have to be on a line, to see if you are far enough from each other you have to put your hand out and when your finger touches your other partners fingers then that how far you need to be from each other. Next the coach would have to say orange or yellow if he says orange then the orange team has to run to their goal and the yellow team has to chase them and rip their tag off. I was partners up with my own teacher. I had a lot of fun playing rippa rugby this week.
Kiwi sport,
rippa rugby
Thursday, 24 May 2018
L.I to comment on a person blog.
I commented on Miianas blog. On her blogpost she talked about what volume and capacity means. She explain what she did on her D.L.O. I had done a similar blog post as her on my own blog.
I commented on Miianas blog. On her blogpost she talked about what volume and capacity means. She explain what she did on her D.L.O. I had done a similar blog post as her on my own blog.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Explanation planner.
L.I to write an explanation about a text. I learnt how to write an explanation on a explanation planner. On this Planner we had to write about the seven ways of how food gets through the body. We had to write a introduction,Explanation,conclusion and then write a whole explanation about what you wrote on your planner. Link to Explanation planner
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi can we have a new topic is was called role models. We talked about how to be a good role model, Who is a role model to you and what they do that makes them our role model. Our Theme is still the same it is integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing when no one is looking.I decided to work with Nicole for this.
Game: Doggy Doggy
Game: Doggy Doggy
Game: Who’s missing
How to play doggy: You have to sit on a chair with a blindfold on and you have to protect a pen using a noodle.
How to play who’s missing :
You have to lie down with your head down like heads down thumbs up and the teachers have to pick to people to go into the next room and then the teachers have to say heads up and then you have to try and guess who's missing.
Kiwi can,
Role Model
Keywords and reminders
L.I to write keywords from a text in a book. I learnt how to write keywords from looking at a text from a book and writing down what the keywords remind me of. The keywords were based on the three animals from a book called super senses. I wrote down three or more keywords in each box one of the boxes I could only do two because I could find anymore keywords. The animals were a Dung beetle, a Dolphin and a dog.
Keywords and reminders,
Super sense
Persuasive Speech
My speech topic is kids should be allowed to wear anything to school. I think that kids should be allowed to wear anything to school because if you wear the same clothes like uniform you might smell a lot and stink for 5 days. Also I think that kids should be allowed to wear anything to school because it gives more confident to kids. For writing I learnt how to make a persuasive speech about a topic that I think is the right topic for me. I learnt it by thinking carefully in my mind of what speech I wanted. My three choices of my speeches were Littering,Kids should be allowed to wear anything to school and no smokes.
Persuasive Speech,
Maori/Kei te pehea koe?
L.I to draw emoji matching the phrase. I learnt how to draw emoji that match the Maori phrase. I learnt this by writing down the feeling on the bottom of the box and then I started to draw the expression, then we had to color the face in. The feelings were Kei te pai, Kei te makariri, Kei te riri and Kei te wera. Kei te pai means Are you good, Kei te makariri means are you cold, Kei te riri means I am angry and Kei te wera means you are hot and sweaty.
Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Volume and Capacity
L.I to measure to find out the volume and capacity of something. I learnt how to measure Volume and capacity. I learnt this by finding 2 items in the class and measuring the item then writing down the Height,width and length. We had to do this 2 times with the two items. The items I chose were a reading box and a math time box. I filled the reading box with books and I filled the Math time box with numicons.
Volume and Capacity
Friday, 18 May 2018
L.I to measure four items and convert them to different measurement. I learnt how to convert measurements to different measurements. I learnt this by finding four items from the class and measuring them and converting them. The hardest measurement was the miller meters because the ruler I was using didn't show the millimeters because the ruler was old and the numbers were rubbing off, I got it in the end so I was glad.
This week for commenting I decided to do another reply to a comment. This week I replied to Nicole's comment. Nicole has commented on my Nervous system blogpost. In my comment I wrote a greeting,a thank you comment, a positive reply, and answered her question. Then I said Thanks for the positive Comment Nicole and said who the comment was by.
Inquiry Task
L.I to compare a human and another living thing. I learnt how to compare a human and another living thing together. I worked with Nicole,Alayah,Miiana,Pua and Sione A.I learnt this by doing research on a octopus and finding out facts. Did you know octopus have a nervous system? We had to make a Venn diagram and say what is the same with a Human and a octopus and what is the difference between the octopus and what is the same between the two. I have learnt new things about humans and it is cool.
what's living
Thursday, 17 May 2018
Kiwi Sport
This week for kiwi sport our coach was Hamish. We learnt the basics of how to play rippa rugby. We had to get into three groups two groups are the non-bibs and one of the groups will be the bibs. We played a game where the bib vs the non-bibs then you had a ball and you have to pass it to the mates in your group. You have to keep passing the ball until one person has touched the goal with the ball. On the first round, when the ball is in your hands you cannot run with it. On the third or fourth round you can run with the ball in your hands but if the other team tags you with two hands on you then you have to pass the ball to your other team mates. That is all we did for this week. So going over what we did: we played about eight rounds of that game and between every two games we had to sit on the stage and then the coach Hamish would add in a rule.
Kiwi sport,
rippa rugby
Keyword list
L.I to write keywords from a sentence. I learnt how to write keywords from sentences. I learnt how to search for keywords and tell and write down what it reminds me of.What I did was look in non-fiction book from the school library and read different texts to find keywords and write what they remind me of about the nervous system.
Keyword list,
Wednesday, 16 May 2018
Explanation Planner
L.I to write a 10 sentence explanation on aluminum cans.
I learnt about how aluminum cans were made. I learnt it by watching a video about what people do to make them and what the cans are made out of. For this you had to write a introduction about the aluminum cans next you had to write a explanation so steps on how the aluminum cans are made, last you had to write a conclusion so you have to explain what you basically said in the explanation but in a shorter sentence.
Kiwi Can
This week was the 3rd time we have been at kiwi can and we have a new theme and topics. Our new theme was Integrity and our topic was Making good choices. Integrity means when you are doing the right thing even when no one is watching. These are the games we play.
How to play Clap:
To play clap the rules are you have to be honest and tell the truth. Next One person has to be the leader and they will be crossing the arms side to side or swaying i should say. When that persons arms have reach the middle you have to clap if they stop with their hands in front of them then you have to try not to clap and if you clap your out. You have to keep playing until there is one person left standing.
How to play Captains tag:
Their has to be two hoops and two captains. Next there must be people load of them as well.Then you will need to get into two even groups. You will have to have a boundary and ten balls in the middle in a line and then someone will say 3,2,1 go and every will run to the balls and try to tag someone waist and down. If you are out the captain of your group will tag you and then you are back in the game.
Kiwi can,
Making good Choices
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
L.I to make a comment/reply to a person. I learnt how to make a reply to someone that has commented on my blog. I replied to Sakina's comment because she commented on my post. I said a greeting a nice comment by saying it's amazing that you have done the same thing as me. Then I say thanks for the thoughtful comment. Then I answered the question that she asked me. Then I said that I kind of made up the L.I. I said thank you again that you liked my D.L.O. I said Thanks for the nice comment Sakina and last I said my name.
Nervous system
L.I to do research on the nervous system.
The challenge is to find a video,internet text,Library book and a school journal. We have to find all of those for the 3 questions which are, What do nerves do,What are nerves and how do nerves work. I have found a everything for all three questions.I have found 3 video,3 library books,3 school journals and 3 internet text. The title of the 2 library books I got were The nervous system and The wonderful world of knowledge/The human body. The title of the 1 school journal was the brain. The brain was the only school journal that had information about the nerve. The three videos I found 3 videos that the title says all three of the questions. Last the internet text I got by searching up the question on google and it came up with some internet texts.
Nervous system,
Kiwi Can
L.I to explain what you did at kiwi can.
I learnt how to put lots of detail on a D.L.O. We have played a new game called opposite. This is how to play opposite : Someone will have to do the actions and the rest of the people would have to do the opposite of that person if you do the same thing as the person doing the actions then your out. This is how to play terminator tag: Everyone’s in and you have to tag everybody and if you get tagged your out but if you tag each other at the same time you have to rock paper scissors.
Kiwi can,
Making good Choices
L.I to make a pepeha explain things about yourself.
I learnt how to make a pepeha. A pepeha is basically like a introduction explaining things about yourself. I learnt this by listening to our Maori teacher Faiaodie. The first thing we had to do was write down our name on the first slide. Next you had to write down where you live on the 2nd slide. then say who your parents are on slide 3.later you had to add your siblings on slide 4. Last I put down all of the words for the pepeha on slide 5.
Monday, 7 May 2018
The Divider
L.I to split up division problems into parts using known multiplication and division facts
I learnt how to play a new math game and how to split numbers up to solve the equation. I learnt it by answering a few questions and splitting up the numbers and then picking one one to put on my blog.
Here are the question that I had to answer:
- How did you use the divider to solve the problem? I went on the LS1 2018 math site and clicked on my group slide and pressed the divider.
- What numbers did you use? 15 ÷ 5
- Why did you use these numbers? Because I like to start off easy and work my way up to the hardest equations.
- How did you record your thinking?. I recorded my thinking on a google drawing and I put in 2 photos that explain a few things like what number I chose to solve and the splitting bit. Then I had to answer four questions.
Math questions,
The Divider
Friday, 4 May 2018
Football/Kiwi sport
Today at kiwi sport we went on the school field.We played rippa rugby.We had to get into a group of 4’s the group I was with was Alayah, Sione and Victoria. We had to get a ball and kick it to your group. After that we had to get a bib and put it on us when we got the bib we had to line up behind the cone. The other group will be on the other side of the field behind the cone too. Mr Oglivie will say 5,4, 3, 2,1 or everyone and when he says that number we run. It was fun and awesome.We did Rippa Rugby but we did not do any tackling and we did not play inside the mud .Group A and B had to do Kiwi Sport as well.The first thing we did was to get in a group of 4 and then 1 person from each group had to find a bib and wear it and try kick it lightly but the person with the bib is not allowed to get the ball .
Football/Kiwi sport,
Kiwi sport
Wednesday, 2 May 2018
Maori Translation and feelings
bored/fed up
Maori Translation and feelings
Quality Comments
L.I to learn how to make Quality comments.
This week for Cybersmart we had to learn how to make quality comments. I had to comment on three peoples blog post and add a Gretting, a connection, a question and a finishing thing like Keep up the great work or something similar. I commented on Victoria's Blog, Sione's blog and Matthews blog.
Kiwi Can
This week for kiwi can we had our first session of kiwi can and we have a new Theme and Topic. Our theme is integrity and out topic is Making good choices. We had to games that we played we played 21 and terminator tag. This is how to play Terminator tag.
How to play Terminator tag:
Everyone’s in and you have to tag everybody and if you get tagged your out but if you tag each other at the same time you have to rock paper scissors.
How to play 21:
You have a ball and you have to pass it around and count to 21 and who ever has the ball on 21 is out
Kiwi can,
Making good Choices
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
The Multiplier
L.I split a 2-digit number into tens and ones. The Multiplier to partition and solve 2-digit by 1-digit multiplications. describe how to solve 2-digit by 1-digit multiplications using a diagram. I learnt how to play a new math game and how to split numbers up to solve the equation. I learnt it by answering a few questions and splitting up the numbers and then picking one one to put on my blog.
time tables
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