
Thursday, 28 December 2017

Day 4 SLJ Activity 1

e nga iwi e haere mai haere mai Haere mai ki runga o te marae hui mai tatou katoa ehine ma e tama ma hapaingia o te mana maori e kia rewa runga rawa ia ha ha e nga iwi e haere mai haere mai haere mai haere mai E nga iwi e haere mai  ki runga o te marae hui mai tatou katoa e hine ma etama ma hapaingia o te mana maori e kia rewa runga rawa ia ha ha e nga iwi e haere mai haere mai  e nga iwi e haere mai haere mai

Haere Mai - YouTube

For this task I had to find a Maori waiata song. I chose Haere mai. I chose that song because the junior kapa haka group dance to that song and I know how to sing it so it is basically a waiata that not only I know. I like it because it is very catchy for me. I learnt it on probably the second time they performed it so yeah.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Florence,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team.

    Great work with this activity! It was a good idea to add a link to the song so that we would all be able to listen to it. This is a great waiata! I like how you have included the lyrics up the top of your blog post. Can you tell us what the lyrics are saying?

    It's great that the Kapa Haka group at your school performs to this song! Are you a part of that Kapa Haka group? That sounds like a lot of fun to me. I love to sing so much that my family is always telling me to be quiet!

    I look forward to reading more of your blog over the summer. Keep up the good work!


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