L.I To do research on bridges.
This week for inquiry we had to do a This Vs That D.L.O. I worked with Charlize for this weeks inquiry. The activity was based on the panmure bridge. We had to do 3 This Vs That activitys. The first one was to do research on the panmure bridge and the auckland harbour bridge. The second one was to do research of another bridge in NZ. Charlize and I chose the Balclutha Road bridge because it's design got our attention. The third This Vs That was to find a bridge in a different country. We chose the Golden Gate Bridge. We found out that the bridge was from the united states of America. On the This Vs That D.L.O you had to say whent he bridges were built, The length,Span,Height and width of the bridge,Cost of the bridge,materials that the bridge was made of and the type of bridge that the bridge is. I really enjoyed completeing this activity because I can use my smart searching skills to find out information about things.
Kia Ora Florence!
ReplyDeleteI have done the same blogpost as you.
I like it how you explain what we were doing for Inquiry.
The bridges that you have chosen interested me so much.
This must of been a easy and ahrd task for yous.
Keep Up the good work Florence!