
Friday, 22 January 2021

SLJ Week 4 Activity 25 (Step it up)

 Today I have completed another Step it up challenge for the SLJ. This activity was about creating another origami boat different from the first one you made. I made a Square end boat and thought it was really hard to make. I got confused at some points but I got there. I also messed up the back part of the boat so it looked wierd. Overall it floated, and ended up falling in the end.

SLJ Week 4 Activity 25

 Today I have completed another SLJ activity. This activity was about creating your own paper boat and seeing if it could float in water. I learnt from a youtube clip that was provided on the SLJ blogging page. Making this boat was genuienly hard but it got easier when I understood it more. My boat was foating for a good while until it collapsed and drowing in water. I enjoyed creating this activity as I was able to use up some old paper.

SLJ Week 3 Activity 24

Today I have completed another activity for the Sumemr Learning journey. This activity was about creating a cup and saucer using string. This activity was easy to learn. I had already knew how to make a cup and saucer so it wasn't a challenge for me. I also found it eady to find the string because I had gotten a pack from the SLJ during the last week of school. I apologise for the quality of the photo. 

SLJ Week 3 Activity 23 (Step it up)

 Today I have completed the step it up challenge for activity 23. This activity was about creating your own food collage and describing at least 3 of the foods using adjectives. Putting these food descriptions in call outs and then changing the background color of the call out. I enjoyed this activity as I was able to show my favourite foods.

SLJ Week 3 Activity 23

 Today I have completed another SLJ activity. This activity was about creating a collage of your favourite foods and describing at least 3 of the foods using adjectives. Instead of creating a google draw I decided to create a google presentation. I enjoyed creating this activity as I was able to show people what my favourite foods are.

SLJ Week 2 Activity 21 (Step it up)

 Today I have completed another activity for the SLJ. This activity was about publishing a video or photos of games that your family like to play to celebrate. My family dont really play games but when they do they play dominos or monopoly. Most of the time we just talk about stuff or go on our phone. We still love to play games and bond with each other. I didn't have photos of us playing any of these games so pictures of the games we play were all I could do.

SLJ Week 2 Activity 22 (Step it up)

 Today I have completed another Step it up challenge for the SLJ. This activity was about creating a screencastify on how to make an origami finger trap. I watched a video explaining how to create this finger trap then went and made the video on how to make it. I created a bigger finger trap then It was suppose to be but I mentioned that the audience would have a much smaller square piece of paper than mine.