This week for writing we had to write a speech for our debate. The debate was about Asian Dragons Vs Manticore. On Thursday we had to present our speeches. The Manticore and the Asian Dragon group had to separate themselves into their groups. The first people to go up and present had to sit on the chairs and wait until it was their turn. We had to use our smart researching skills to find out the information about the two species. We had Monday to finish researching our information, the rest of the days we had to make sure it made perfect sense and also you had to practise saying it.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Making tunnels | Urban planning
This week for inquiry we had to make tunnels out of spaghetti, straws, tape and rubber bands. We had to get into a group of 4. In that group of four you have to build a structure/tunnel that will be as stable to protect the ferrari. The amount of attemps that we needed to do to get the tunnel stable and safe got us very tired. But in the end we got our structure finished. So then every groups tunnel was up for the test. The test was where Mr ogilvie would have to put a groups tunnel in a tray and then he would pour in some sand to see if the tunnel would collapse and fall on the ferrari. Sadly my groups tunnel didn't pass that test, From what I saw I don't think that anyones tunnel pasted. Mr Ogilvie thought that we did a good job at making the structures. Other then that I really liked being apart of the urban planning group with Mr Ogilvie.
urban planning
Thursday, 27 September 2018
Cybersmart | Commenting

L.I To write a quality comment. This week for Cybersmart we had to write quality comments. In the comment we had to include a Greeting,Complement or connection, Question or helpful comment. I found 2 sentences that didn't make sense in her blurb. I told her to fix those mistakes in my comment. I asked her how long it took her to write that whole blurb. The point in this Cybersmart lesson was because some of our commetns that we made on peoples blogs don't make sense.
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Kiwi Can
This week for kiwi can it was fun week. For fun week we got to choose 2 games to play. We did a vote on games we wanted to play. The 2 games that were chosen were Octopus and invisible rugby. We got to play octopus first. To play octopus you need to have 2 taggers. Also you need a bunch of people to be in a line at the end of a court. Then the taggers have to say (RUN IF YOU ARE WEARING SHOES) Something like that. Who ever has shoes etc they have to run. Once we did that we got on the feild to play invisible rugby. To play invisible rugby you need to split up into a group of 2 or as many as you want. Someone was going to have to call out a number and what ever number that has been called the amount of people have to run. Then someone will have the ball. Who ever has the ball they have to run to their goal. If someone from the other team tags the person with the ball then they have the ball. The only thing is that you can't tag the same person back. Other then that Fun week was very amazing and fun.
Friday, 21 September 2018
Keyboarding | Dancing Mat | Can do | Daily 6
This week for Keyboarding I have decided to do my Level 2 Stage 4 again. I thought that I wasn't as good last week, because I was struggling to learn this keyboarding. I learnt how to use the letters T and Y. I learnt what fingers needed to touch them when I am typing. Also in the lesson video it did a little reminder on what I did on Level 1 Stage 1,2 and 3. I think this really helped me. Next week I will do Level 2 Stage 5, to try and complete all of the stages and levels.
can do,
Daily 6,
dancing mat,
Digital Division | Can do's | Daily 6
This week for my can do I have chosen to do my Division. I did three different division and they were my 6's,5's and 4's. I wanted to challenge myself by doing more division, because I don't usually do division. Now I find Dividing pretty easy. I always thought it was hard because I had never try before. But now that I have tried it gets more and more easier.
can do,
Daily 6,
Digital Division,
Erik the Viking Raider | Short Novels
This week for reading we moved onto a different topic, it was Short novels. We had to get into partners, I was working with Sila. We had to include a Summary,lesson and say if the book was a Myth,Legend or fairy tale. Sila was only able to help me for Monday but she left the country the next day. So I had to finish off this must do by myself. I didn't write much for what kind of story it was, because I didn't know what to write. I added a photo of what the story looked like.
Erik the Viking Raider,
Short novels
Tunnel poster
urban planning
Thursday, 20 September 2018
Math Vocabulary (Time)
This week for Maths we had to do a Vocabulary list. We could write as many words as we like, I did three, I chose Meridian,Am and Pm. I did some research on what some of these words meant. If it wasn't for my researching skills I would have not found out this information. I put these sentences in my own words so that it isn't copied and pasted, plus I don't copy things. I chose Am and Pm because I have heard those words a lot. I haven't heard of Meridian before so I chose to do research on it.
Wednesday, 19 September 2018
Snag golf | Kiwi sport
This week for Kiwi sport we got to do Snag golf. It was our second to last time doing Snag golf this term. This week we did a recap on what we did last week. Once we did that Mr Ogilvie told us that we could customize our own Obstacle course. We had to get into groups of three, I was with Victoria and Sakina. Victoria left so me and Sakina had to figure out what to do. What we did was set the flag and a hoop on the other side of the court. Also we put the target a bit away from the T. We had to stand in the hoop to hit the ball.
For the first level you had to get the ball on the Snag/Target/Yellow part. Once you did that You had to move onto the second level, For that Level you needed to get the ball over the target and into the hoop. That one was a bit more harder because you had to hit the ball off the T, When we tried to hit the ball it would just hit the little blue thing on the T, so the ball just went rolling backwards. But once you finished the second level you had to move onto the third level. The third level was where you needed to get the ball over the target,over the hoop and stuck onto the bucket with the flag.
The third level was the hardest because we had to get the ball over the 2 other levels, and it was hard to do that because of where the ball was sitting. But after that little bit of fun Mr Ogilvie told us to pack the gear that we were using. Once we did that Mr Ogilvie set out 4 right handed golf clubs and one left handed golf club, he also set out a T. Before he got those things out he told one person from our group to come and get three balls from him. Each group had a different color ball, our group get the color Orange. So Mr Ogilvie made us go into a line in our groups.
The first person from the first group went up and they had to hit the ball as far as they could. We all tried until it was the next persons turn. Once every group hit the ball Mr Ogilvie Looked at all of the balls and saw that Lorenzo's group came first The second group was Sione T's Group. Then Mr Ogilvie had a go and he hit the ball with the left handed golf club and the right handed golf club, he didn't do as good using the left handed club, but he did very good using the right handed club. Once that was over we had to pack up and go back to class.
For the first level you had to get the ball on the Snag/Target/Yellow part. Once you did that You had to move onto the second level, For that Level you needed to get the ball over the target and into the hoop. That one was a bit more harder because you had to hit the ball off the T, When we tried to hit the ball it would just hit the little blue thing on the T, so the ball just went rolling backwards. But once you finished the second level you had to move onto the third level. The third level was where you needed to get the ball over the target,over the hoop and stuck onto the bucket with the flag.
The third level was the hardest because we had to get the ball over the 2 other levels, and it was hard to do that because of where the ball was sitting. But after that little bit of fun Mr Ogilvie told us to pack the gear that we were using. Once we did that Mr Ogilvie set out 4 right handed golf clubs and one left handed golf club, he also set out a T. Before he got those things out he told one person from our group to come and get three balls from him. Each group had a different color ball, our group get the color Orange. So Mr Ogilvie made us go into a line in our groups.
The first person from the first group went up and they had to hit the ball as far as they could. We all tried until it was the next persons turn. Once every group hit the ball Mr Ogilvie Looked at all of the balls and saw that Lorenzo's group came first The second group was Sione T's Group. Then Mr Ogilvie had a go and he hit the ball with the left handed golf club and the right handed golf club, he didn't do as good using the left handed club, but he did very good using the right handed club. Once that was over we had to pack up and go back to class.
Kiwi sport,
Snag Golf
Road making | Testing | Foundation
Duffy assemble
This week Tuesday we had a Duffy assemble. We had a guest come into the school talking about what he likes to do and how he got into doing comic books. His name was Michel Mulipola. He was a Professional wrestler,Semi Pro gamer - Tekkan and a Comic artist. He design all sorts of Comic books, The best thing about his Artistic job is that he gets to meet famous people from around the world, He also gets to draw comic books for famous people like, John Cena and much more famous people. He was inspired from School journals, He told us about how he wanted to join art class but none of the Art schools that he went to were learning about writing comic designing.
So by achieving that he learnt how to design Comics by just trying, He kept on trying and trying until he got better and better at drawing Comics. Michel now works at a shop in Arkham city Comics. I really like how he did this stuff because it is very inspirational.
So by achieving that he learnt how to design Comics by just trying, He kept on trying and trying until he got better and better at drawing Comics. Michel now works at a shop in Arkham city Comics. I really like how he did this stuff because it is very inspirational.
Duffy Assemble,
Michel mulipola,
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi Can we were learning about Perseverance,Resilience,Team work, Respect, Encouragement ,Participation and more. We did a recap on what we have been talking about for the whole term.
The energizer was called Tangle. It was where there was a tagger who has to tag people, once that person has tagged someone they have to try and tag more people and the people at the end have to try and tag the other people. You cannot tag someone if you are in the middle only if you are on the side. We played it two times, Angelica was the first for the Girls and Lorenzo was the First for the boys. Angelic tagged me first. The girls tagged everyone faster then the boys. The boys took way longer because they went only for the boys and not the girls. If the boys went for the girls then it would of been faster.
The Activity was called Invisible tag. To play you need to get into 2 groups, You do not need a real ball you just have to pretend to have one. So someone will be calling out a number, what ever number that has been called the amount of people need to run around the hoops and run to get the ball to your goal. If you get the ball to your goal you won the match/round.
The energizer was called Tangle. It was where there was a tagger who has to tag people, once that person has tagged someone they have to try and tag more people and the people at the end have to try and tag the other people. You cannot tag someone if you are in the middle only if you are on the side. We played it two times, Angelica was the first for the Girls and Lorenzo was the First for the boys. Angelic tagged me first. The girls tagged everyone faster then the boys. The boys took way longer because they went only for the boys and not the girls. If the boys went for the girls then it would of been faster.
The Activity was called Invisible tag. To play you need to get into 2 groups, You do not need a real ball you just have to pretend to have one. So someone will be calling out a number, what ever number that has been called the amount of people need to run around the hoops and run to get the ball to your goal. If you get the ball to your goal you won the match/round.
Kiwi can,
Defense Structures and bombs
This week Tuesday we had someone important come into our class to talk about Bombs,Defenses, and much more. His name was Issac Chang, Or if you prefer to call him Mr Chang. Issac told us about what was used to keep things safe and what kind of bombs that are used in the air force. Mr Chang (Issac) Is apart of the NZ air force. Mr Chang showed us photos of different kinds of bombs,Layers and much more of what he uses in the air force to protect his area. He told us information and facts about each of the photos. Also he talked about layers. The first layer was camouflage, camouflage is to cover the things that are important, so basically the camouflage blends in with the environment.
Mr Chang gave us a challenge, it was to build a structure to keep a helicopter safe. The materials we used was one piece of pare and 8 straws. We were allowed to do anything with the materials, We were not allowed to get another paper. Once everyone was done with making the structure, we could now test it out to see if the helicopter would survive the Shock waves.
Our group made a cylinder shape with the paper and stuck straws in the middle of the cylinder. The teachers had to stick the paper down with tape. The tape was to give more support for the structure. If the structure stayed standing and the helicopter didn't get broken then the structure was a very sturdy structure. Everyone made a very cool structure, some were not so good because it would fall and lean to the side. SO it just didn't stay standing.
Mr Chang gave us a challenge, it was to build a structure to keep a helicopter safe. The materials we used was one piece of pare and 8 straws. We were allowed to do anything with the materials, We were not allowed to get another paper. Once everyone was done with making the structure, we could now test it out to see if the helicopter would survive the Shock waves.
Our group made a cylinder shape with the paper and stuck straws in the middle of the cylinder. The teachers had to stick the paper down with tape. The tape was to give more support for the structure. If the structure stayed standing and the helicopter didn't get broken then the structure was a very sturdy structure. Everyone made a very cool structure, some were not so good because it would fall and lean to the side. SO it just didn't stay standing.
Wednesday, 12 September 2018
This week I have decided to comment on Charlize's blog. Her blog post was about the story she read (In the Begging) I wrote a very long blurb explaining what I liked about the blog post,What she needed to work on and a question. I think she needed to work on doing a bigger blurb. I asked her, How long it took her to complete the whole thing.
Time tables | Daily 6 | Can dos | Divisions
This week for my can do I have chosen to do my Division. I did three different division and they were 9's,8's and 7's. I wanted to challenge myself by doing more division, because I don't usualy do division. Now I find Dividing pretty easy. I always thought it was hard because I had never try before. But now that I have tried it gets more and more easier. Next week I will do my 6's,5's and 4's. I will go down until I finish all of my division.
can do,
Daily 6,
time tables
Key boarding | Level 2 stage 4
This week for Keyboarding I have decided to do my Level 2 Stage 4. I learnt how to use the letters T and Y. I learnt what fingers needed to touch them when I am typing. Also in the lesson video it did a little reminder on what I did on Level 1 Stage 1,2 and 3. I think this really helped me. Next week I will do Level 2 Stage 5, to try and complete all of the stages and levels.
dancing mat,
keyboarding drills Level 2,
Emotive language or not?
This week for writing we had to complete a task that showed us sentences, with the sentences you needed to make them sound more interesting and detailed. We got 5 sentences to work on. We also got given a table on the document and we had to write boring sentences in the left column and interesting/detailed on the right column. For the table activity I wrote 3 sentences. In the interesting and detailed sentences we had to add Emotive words like (Adjectives,Verbs,Nouns and Adverbs.) I like this activity because I got to make up own sentences. We had to make a poster explaining what Emotive language is. I added what Emotive words are. They are Adjectives,Nouns,Adverbs and verbs.
Emotive language,
Kiwi Sport
Kiwi sport,
Snag Golf
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi can we had a recap on what we did last week. We talked about the games we played (Perseverance challenge and Target Zone) and also we talked about what perseverance meant. Once we did that we went on with the energizer, it was called Add on. How to play: You need to be in a circle with a bunch of people, then you need to have one person challenge someone to the game. So you have to do paper scissors rock. Once you do that you need to add up how many fingers that are showing in front of you. The winner is the person who counts the numbers up the fastest. Once we went around in a circle we used our both of hands. The activity was called No Frustration it was were we had to try and not get frustrated, also we had to make a tower out of cards so it made it harder. It was hard our tower kept on falling down but we just gave up in the end but still made it. The winner was Andrews group.
Kiwi can,
A piece of paradise (An Aotearoa story)
This week for Reading we had to choose a book to summarize and work on. This week I chose A piece of paradise, it was about 2 gods of the sky, they fought over who had the best things or who created the best things. They found so much that they nearly ruined the land that they worked so hard on. I really like this story because it has a lot of detail.
A piece of paradise,
My typical day using analogue clock
This week for math our D.L.O was to explain our typical day using a analogue clock. I started from what I do in the morning, then I moved on to what i do in the afternoon and then what I do in the evening. I took photos of the analogue time and wrote it down digitally. This activity took me 10 minutes because of what I do every day. I wrote down what I do at school, because I am at school for 5 days, Also I wrote down what I do at home (Night time). So every thing that is included on this slide presentation is what I do on a daily.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
Roads, Highways, Motorways
This week for inquiry we had to find out difference for Roads, Highways and Motorways. When we finished talking about what we were doing we had to get into partners, I worked with Alayah. We hopped on dictionary so we can see some information about these 3 topics. There was a lot of dictionary's that we hopped on. At the end we had to do a challenge that Mr Oglivie gave us. We used a lot of sites to find the right information. It was stressful for my hands because they started to hurt from all the typing that we had to do. At the end this was a fun inquiry lesson.
Friday, 7 September 2018
Daily 6 | Key boarding | Home Row | Can do
This week I have done dancing mat as one of my daily 6. Dancing mat helps me to type faster so that I can do more work. I chose to learn the home row keys first. I found keeping my fingers on the correct keys and trying to type the words. When I finish all of the levels/steps then I will probably be good at typing.
can do,
Daily 6,
Home row,
Keyboarding Drills Level 1
This week for Commenting I have commented on Nicole's Blog. Her blog post was about her Rugby inter school. I think she needed to work on putting more photos.
Daily 6 | Multiplication | Can do | Maths
This week I have decided to do my 9 time table times. I wrote down my 9 time tables 5 times. I think that solving the time tables was really easy. Next week I will be doing my division for my 9's. It is really easy to memorize the answers for 9 time tables. Each week I will do a different time table, SO that I can learn them all. If I do get them all finished I will become very, very smart.
can do,
Daily 6,
Persuasive text/Argument | No Phones in school
This week for writing we had to make a Persuasive Argument about an Article from Kiwi Kids news. It was about France banning phones in school. When you finished writing the persuasive argument you had to record a video providing photos of what you are talking about. We had to write a Statement and 3 casual factors. I also included my opinion about this.
persuasive text,
slide presentation,
In the Beginning
This week for reading we have to choose a book to talk about. I chose the story/Book In the beginning. It is about how the earth/World was created. I also talks about being grateful of what you have in life before it ends. In my D.L.O I have included a retell of the story and what the book/story teaches people. I have provided photos as well as the text that I have written. The Characters in the story was Rangi the sky and Papatuanuku the earth. The two characters Rangi and Papatuanuku they combined each other to create the earth.
In the Beginning,
Thursday, 6 September 2018
Kiwi Can
This week at Kiwi Can we have a new topic named Perseverance. We talked about what perseverance might of meant. Once we did that we got straight into our energizer. It was called target zone. To play you need 4 cones, set them close to you and make each cone go further so that it is more challenging. Then make them have a number (10,20,50 and 100) You also need 2 hoops. With the hoops you need to throw them to get over the cones. We were split up into 2 groups the winner is the groups that has the most points. Then we talked about the meaning of Perseverance. Once we did that we got onto our Activity, it was called The Perseverance Challenge. To play you had 4 stations. One was to list words using 2 other words, second was to memorize a catchphrase and then make up actions, third to make a tower out of cards and the last one was to find a partner in your team and pretend that you were sitting on a invisible chair. The winner was the group who completed the tasks more.
Kiwi can,
Stations | Slide presentation
This week for Maths we had an activity to do. It included stations. We had to get into groups of 4.I worked with Victoria, Alice and Farzana. We had 5 stations to go to. We had to go to each station so we could complete it. If we complete it then we had to show the completed work on the google slide. The first station that we finished was station 2. Then we split up and did different stations.
slide presentation,
Tongan Language week | DLO
This week we went up to LS2 to learn about Tongan language week. We had to get into groups with someone that knew how to draw on Google drawings. We had to make a Tongan character (Girl or Boy) We had to make it look as Tongan as we could. In my group was Nyjah & Miiana. Nyjah chose me and Miiana because she knew how to draw. We had to make a Tongan family. We had to name them in English and Tongan. We made a slide presentation using Tongan words. We had to count in Tongan,The months in Tongan and the days of the week in Tongan. In our video we included the the Tongan Family. We borrowed a Tongan Boy from another group.
Presentation | Video | DLO | Urban Planning | Inquiry
Games we played (Related to the inquiry topic)
slide presentation,
urban planning,
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