L.I To say our manners in Maori.
This week we had Maori. For Maori this week Mrs Whaea odie gave us a an activity. The activity was to match up all the Maori words with the right meanings. We had to look some of the words up in a Maori Dictionary or translate. It was difficult for me to find the right meanings. Mrs Whaea Odie would also call some people to say some words in Maori. She would offer something to you and you have to say Thank you or use your manners to show that your polite. We also had to give our object back to Mrs Whaea Odie. We have to say "Here is my .... " The Object I got was the Pineapple. The Maori word for Pineapple is Painaporro. The Maori word for Here is your.. Is Homai te. The Maori word for Thank you is Anei. For the Maori Places match activity Mrs Whaea Odie is going to bring the answer sheet next week for us to see if our answers were right.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teacher is Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 29 November 2018
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
Kiwi Can
This week we had Kiwi Can. We were told that we have a new topic. Before we got onto talking about that we played our energizer. It was called Snake wriggle. To play this one person had to lay on their stomach and move around to tag other people that are standing. If you got tagged you had to lay on your stomach and wriggle around trying to tag everyone. We had a practise round to understand how to play the game. The winner was the person that stayed standing last. Then we talked about our new topic. Our new topic was Respect for our environment. We had to talk about what Environment meant, what we can do to help our environment and more. Then we got on to our activity. Our Activity was called tic tac toe. Mr matt set out the chairs as the boxes. We were put into 5 groups. We had to name our groups, My group was called the Islanders. We had to do the exact same thing that we would do in the real game. Two groups were battleing each other to get the point for their team. Sadly our team got out and we were disqualified through out the whole game. The winners of the game was the Footballers. I really enjoyed Kiwi Can this week.
Cyber smart
Today we did Cybersmart. For Cybersmart we had to list the things we had to look out for when we want to find out information about something. We had to go and play a game, the game asks questions about normal things that happen online. There are grade levels for any age person. I played grade 6. When you got an answer right your character would dodge an object. If you got the answer wrong your character would bash into the object. The questions were about what happens online every day. We had to make a quiz with similar questions that were on the site. We had to make 5 or more questions.
Link to quiz
Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Inferring thoughts and emotions
LI: to infer thoughts and emotions.
This week for reading we did more inference tasks. We had to watch a video. We had to take screen shots of parts where we could make an inference. The first inference was for our whole reading group. In our groups we had to watch the video and whenever we could make an inference about something we had to pause the video and tell the group the inference we thought of. The whole group had to agree to the inference. When your group agreed to one inference then you had to write it down on your slide show. We had to have the exact same words. I really enjoyed doing this inference task.
Thursday, 22 November 2018
This week for Commenting I have decided to Comment Charlize. Her blog post was about Verb Tenses. In my comment I added A connection with her blog post, I greeted her, I gave her a compliment about her work and I gave her the "Keep Up the Great work" so that she could keep on with her learning. I really enjoyed reading what Charlize did for her writing.
Basic Facts Boxes | Subtraction Boxes
This week for Basic Fact Boxes I have finished all my subtraction boxes, so now I can move on to the multiplication boxes. I can now move onto the multiplication facts. I enjoyed doing the Addition and subtraction boxes. They were easy at first but then got harder during the times I did them. I think I am going to do pretty well with the multiplication.
SSR Selfie | The Best Worst Thing
This week for SSR Selfie I have read this book called The Best Worst Thing. For SSR Selfie you have to read a library book or a book for 15 minutes. After that 15 minutes you need to summarize what you read onto the SSR Selfie Slide. Add every bit of detail from your knowledge of reading into the summarize explanation. I wrote a little simple explanation on what my book was about. I enjoyed reading this book. I found it very interesting to read.
Type of Tenses | 20 Verbs
This week for writing we had to make a D.L.O Showing the types of tenses. The types of tenses are Past tense, Present continuous and Future tense. We had to list down 20 verb words are act them in a video or show them in a photo. Often to make a simple future tense, we add a "will" in front of the verb.That means it is still happening. Mostly to make simple past tense, we add an "ed" or "d". I was working in a group of 3. In my group was Victoria and Angelica. We all had turns with making the videos and photos. It was stressful trying to get each video done.
Boxing | Kiwi Sport
L.I to learn the discipline of boxing
This week for Boxing we learnt the discipline of boxing. We went over the skills that we did last week and recapped how we did it. This week we learnt about the defencing skills. These were the types of skills we learnt Defence guide and the U shape guide. For the Defence we had to stand in our rock possision then we have our partner hold the noodle above your head. Pax then says "Ready...1" then our partner has to hit the noodle and we have to move our boxers above our head so that it was to prevent the noodle from hitting you.
For the U shape guide we had to have your partner hold the noodle on your right shoulder and someone will say "Ready...1" then you have to make a U shape with your head and squat your legs to give your body enough strength. I enjoyed learning about the defences of boxing.
This week for Boxing we learnt the discipline of boxing. We went over the skills that we did last week and recapped how we did it. This week we learnt about the defencing skills. These were the types of skills we learnt Defence guide and the U shape guide. For the Defence we had to stand in our rock possision then we have our partner hold the noodle above your head. Pax then says "Ready...1" then our partner has to hit the noodle and we have to move our boxers above our head so that it was to prevent the noodle from hitting you.
For the U shape guide we had to have your partner hold the noodle on your right shoulder and someone will say "Ready...1" then you have to make a U shape with your head and squat your legs to give your body enough strength. I enjoyed learning about the defences of boxing.
Wednesday, 21 November 2018
What can you tell | Inferrence
L.I To infer information from a picture
This week for reading we made inference. We were told to make a copy of a slide that had a bunch of photos on it. With the photos we had to write down what we could tell from the photos and what our evidence was that we could tell. We had to write down what we could tell from the photos. If we couldn't think of a 4th then we could just do 3. I did 3 for all of the photos.
Maori | Food | D.L.O
This week for Maori we watched a Maori Video. It was a Myth/Legend story of how New Zealand was created and how men went on a Voyage to discover land. In the video one of the men threw out his fish hook at grabbed onto a big fish. That big fish brought up land and created the north island. Later in the video the men were frozen into stone because of how cold it was out in the ocean/sea. Their bodys were formed as mountains and their canoe was formed as the south island. I really enjoyed this video. After that we got onto the task. The task was where we had to work in partners and pick a number to work on. I was partnered with Pua. We chose the number 16. We had to find photos of the food we found and write down what the food was. I really enjoyed learning about the Maori Myth/Legend and how a Fish and a boat made up New Zealand.
World War 1 interactive notebook
This week for Inquiry we carried on with our World War 1 Interactive notebook. We did the trench warfare activity. We had to write down 4 facts or pieces of information about Trenches. We had a few links that sent us to rather a Site or a video. My buddy that I worked with was Victoria.
We had to find information about trenches or things related to trenches. The things we found out were The trenches itself and health, Sand bags that were used as the wall for the trenches, the periscope that Soldiers used to find where their enemies were and No Man's Land, No mans land was the battle field between the British and the Germans. It was called No Mans land because nobody could and had claimed it.
After writing down all that information about trenches Victoria and I showed our work to the teachers and got told to add and change a few things. The things that we needed to add and change were the headings on top of the topics that we were talking about. Also if we wanted we could have added a fifth box to add some more information about the trenches. I learnt a lot about trenches, the unhealthiness/health, sandbags, No man's Land and periscope.
Kiwi Can
This week for Kiwi Can we played 2 games and talked about how we can respect our community, why is it important to help our community etc. Our Energizer was Hand ball. To play hand soccer you need to get into a circle. In that circle there will be a ball, everyone will be trying to get the ball into the other peoples legs. If the ball goes into someones legs then that person is out. the game would have to keep going until there are 2 players left. Our Winners were Matthew and Sulia. After that we had to get into a four lines and talk about our Topic and Theme.
We talked about ow we could help our community, why its important to help our community and that. I think that its important to help our community because they have been around for any unsolved situation and they support you with everything. After that we played our activity. Our Activity was hand soccer.
To play hand soccer you needed to get into an equal group. We had 13 Vs 12. With that we got the lowest number of group have the last person play for the number 13. For this you had to be numbered. Mr Matt will call out numbers and if its your number you have to go around your enemies goal and try get the ball into the other groups goal. The first group to get 10 points/goals wins. Sadly our team lost. After our Activity we did our Pizza points and ended up with 23 points. We had enough time to do GKQ Master.
We talked about ow we could help our community, why its important to help our community and that. I think that its important to help our community because they have been around for any unsolved situation and they support you with everything. After that we played our activity. Our Activity was hand soccer.
To play hand soccer you needed to get into an equal group. We had 13 Vs 12. With that we got the lowest number of group have the last person play for the number 13. For this you had to be numbered. Mr Matt will call out numbers and if its your number you have to go around your enemies goal and try get the ball into the other groups goal. The first group to get 10 points/goals wins. Sadly our team lost. After our Activity we did our Pizza points and ended up with 23 points. We had enough time to do GKQ Master.
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Multiplication Poster
L.I to make a D.L.O explaining how to solve a maths problem using strategy.
L.I To prove how you got your answers and how you know they are right.
This week for maths we had to choose to make a Poster,Animation,Slide or a video. With those options we also had to choose what maths subject to use for those other options. I made a poster about Multiplication. My poster included the equation that I was solving, the place value strategy, the explanation of how to solve it and how I can prove my answers are right. I added a bit of fun and used a coloured background. My equation was 32 x 12 = ?
Friday, 16 November 2018
Basic facts boxes | Subtraction boxes
This week for Basic fact boxes I did my subtraction boxes. I did 7 subtraction boxes. These were easy subtraction equations but i'm hoping there will be more difficult. Some of the boxes were taking me longer to answer.
Finished art work | Mounted art
LS1 has been working on Max Gimblett work for 2 weeks. During that 2 weeks we have been working on our 3 Quatrefoils. For the last task of the Art work we had to write a blurb of why we used the colours, shapes and item that we used. We had to lay out our finished quatrefoils on a white piece of paper. We had to figure out how we were going to put our quatrefoils to make it good so that our writing blurb could fit somewhere in a free space for people to read the blurb. For our writing blurb we had to make the page set up a certain size. I used 19 by 19 so that I could fit my writing on my paper.
L.I To comment on a person's blogpost and give them advice on what to work on
This week for Commenting I have decided to comment on Miiana's blog post. I have commented on her types of rhyme blog post. It was about her working collaboratively in a group of four and also it was about her and her group learning about the types of rhyme. I learnt from her blogpost that the types of rhymes are Consonance, Assonance, End rhyme and Alliteration. Her group had to each choose one of the Rhymes to work on. They had to write down a summary of what they were working on.
But what I found out that they hadn't done was to find photos of their examples from the Dr. Suess books that Mr. Wong had provided. I think that that they would have needed to put photos of they examples to show people what page/ evidence they had found. I Made a connection with her blogpost, I greeted her, I gave her a compliment about her work and I gave her the "Keep Up the Great work" so that she could keep on with her learning. I really liked reading her blog post, it was very interesting to read.
This week for Commenting I have decided to comment on Miiana's blog post. I have commented on her types of rhyme blog post. It was about her working collaboratively in a group of four and also it was about her and her group learning about the types of rhyme. I learnt from her blogpost that the types of rhymes are Consonance, Assonance, End rhyme and Alliteration. Her group had to each choose one of the Rhymes to work on. They had to write down a summary of what they were working on.
But what I found out that they hadn't done was to find photos of their examples from the Dr. Suess books that Mr. Wong had provided. I think that that they would have needed to put photos of they examples to show people what page/ evidence they had found. I Made a connection with her blogpost, I greeted her, I gave her a compliment about her work and I gave her the "Keep Up the Great work" so that she could keep on with her learning. I really liked reading her blog post, it was very interesting to read.
Thursday, 15 November 2018
SSR Selfie | Roald dahl | The giant peach
This week for SSR Selfie I have done the book James and the Giant Peach. For SSR Selfie you have to read a book for 15 minutes. Once 15 minutes were over we had to summarise the part that you had read. Once you finished summarising you had to take a photo of the book and yourself. The giant peach was made by Roald dahl.
Boxing | Discipline, Respesct and Safety
L.I; To show respect to Misses Pacs.
Today we did Boxing again. For boxing this week we went over the three Commandments and the consequence and the
The first thing we had to do was we had to sit on the ground and get into your partners. I was with Victoria. After we did that we had to stand up because Pace's said that we were gonna play Rock, Paper, Scissors and who ever wins had to stay standing and then Pace's said go grab boxing gloves and gloves in 30 seconds and when you come back your partners has to help you to so that you could put your boxing gloves on. After everyone finished putting on their gloves Liane made us do 2 bur pies. After we finished doing the bur pies we did a combination of punches. The combination punch were Jab, Cross, Cross, Left hook, Right hook, Left upper cut and Right upper cut. We mixed up all of those puches to make it more difficult for us. I really enjoyed boxing this week.
Today we did Boxing again. For boxing this week we went over the three Commandments and the consequence and the
The first thing we had to do was we had to sit on the ground and get into your partners. I was with Victoria. After we did that we had to stand up because Pace's said that we were gonna play Rock, Paper, Scissors and who ever wins had to stay standing and then Pace's said go grab boxing gloves and gloves in 30 seconds and when you come back your partners has to help you to so that you could put your boxing gloves on. After everyone finished putting on their gloves Liane made us do 2 bur pies. After we finished doing the bur pies we did a combination of punches. The combination punch were Jab, Cross, Cross, Left hook, Right hook, Left upper cut and Right upper cut. We mixed up all of those puches to make it more difficult for us. I really enjoyed boxing this week.
Wednesday, 14 November 2018
Manaiakalani | Film festival
This week on Wednesday we went to the Manaiakalani film festival. This film festival took place at the Hoyts movies at Silvia Park. We had to go by bus there. Each class went in one bus. When we got to the Silvia park we had to stand in two straight lines with a mix boy and girl so that we wouldn't talk to each other. We walked in our lines all the way to the Cinemas. While walking we saw a lot of other schools. When we got to the cinemas we had to enter the theatre and wait for the teachers to give us our seats. WHen the movies started I got all hyped up because I like watching movies. Our school presented 4 movies. My favorite movie out of our School movies was Ls1. I liked our one because it was funny, I also liked how the actors put their Serious face on. I enjoyed the film festival because of all the movies, I also like how the presenters were not scared at all to stand up in front of 3 or 4 schools.
This week for Maori we read a story called The Clay woman. The clay woman was about a God named Tane Mahuta. Tane Mahuta was a clever god. One morning he woke up to a sculpture made into a woman. Tane Laid his head against the sculpture, but with one blow the sculpture became a real life woman. People called her The Clay Woman because she was made out of Clay that Tane had been touching. For our task we had to make a D.L.O Showing the word Paikea in the middle, the map of New Zealand on one corner, The Whale and man in another corner, a photo/drawing of a Maori carving and a photo of the Ngati Porou Maori tribe. In my D.L.O I traced out 3 of the images and left one photo untraced.
Kiwi Can
L.I To learn about how to respect our Community
Today in Kiwi Can we talked about how to respect people from our Community and how we can respect our community. When we go into our 4 lines we were told that it was time to jump straight into our energizer. The game we played for our energizer was Remote control. For this game you needed to be scattered around in a room. Then someone is going to have to say (Fast forward, play, pause and re- wind.) When someone calls out Fast forward you have to Fast forward like a movie. You have to do that for every time someone says the control buttons. If someone says one of the control buttons and you do the wrong action you are out. We did a practise round so that everyone could understand.
After we did that we had to get onto the real game. Next once we finished our first round we got to add in another action. It was to stop. For the stop you had to lay down before everyone lays down. Once we finished that we got onto talking about how we can respect our community. I think that we can respect our community by doing the thing that they have done for us in return. Other than that I really enjoyed Kiwi Can this week.
Next we played invisible touch. To play Invisible Touch you need to split up into a group of 2 or as many as you want. Someone was going to have to call out a number and what ever number that has been called the amount of people have to run. Then someone will have the ball. Who ever has the ball they have to run to their goal. If someone from the other team tags the person with the ball then they have the ball. The only thing is that you can't tag the same person back.
Tuesday, 13 November 2018
Author Study | Dr. Suess
L.I To find out information about an author.
This week for Reading we had to find out information about Dr. Suess but well known as Theodor Suess Geisel. We had to find out key facts about him. For example we had to find out what country Theodor Suess Geisel was born in. We also had to find images and we had to attribute them if they were from a site. We also had to find example stories, so we basically had to find a story that Dr. Suess made and write those into the D.L.O. We had to find four of the example stories from Dr. Suess, But the whole task was to find out information and the key facts about Theodor Suess Geisel.
Types of Rhyme
L.I To find information about the 4 different Rhymes.
This week for Inquiry we had to make a D.L.O Showing the types of Rhyme. The types of Rhyme are End rhyme, Alliteration, Consonance and Assonance. We had to work in a group of 4. In my group was Victoria, Juel and Alayah. We all worked on one of the Rhymes. I worked on Consonance. For our Rhymes we had to find at least 2 pieces information or examples. We had to get that information and examples from the 5 Dr. Suess books.
Friday, 9 November 2018
Max Gimblett | Information
L.I to find out key information about Max Gimblett and Quatrefoils
This week for Inquiry we had to find out information about an NZ Artist. His name is Max Gimblett. We had to complete a few key facts about Max Gimblett. Max Gimblett used Quatrefoils as his art peace. For this task we had to find out Where he was born, Where he grew up, Where was his art displayed, what happen to him in 2015 and what happen to him in 2016. After finding out that information we had to find out more information.
The information we had to find out was - the definition of a Quatrefoil and Why Max used a Quatrefoil as his design. Max's Design was a Quatrefoil because he dreamt that if he drew Quatrefoils the Quatrefoil would give him peace. Also we had to find out "What was the installation of the Art of remembrance?" We had to use the 5 W's to answer that question. After doing all that we got to design our own Quatrefoils.
Why did you Choose the colours and lay out how you did? For the Max Gimblett style I put gold circle shape things on it to represent a Samoan Flower drawing. I also added a blue lay out/ Background because I like the ocean. Last I added a swirly line at the back. I put it there because its a inspiration from Max Gimblett. For the Armistice day Style I added a 2 different colour Lay outs/ Backgrounds. The colours were pink and red. I chose those colours bec3ause they look really cool together. I also added mini poppies in each circles. I added the poppies to remember the soldiers that died during World war 1 and 2. Last but not least the Christmas Style. On my Christmas Lay out I added 4 different colours for the circles. The four colours I added were Blue, red, green and Dark green. I added those colours as my background because they are like the Christmas colours. I added a Christmas tree in the middle with some presents on the bottom because it's a Christmas Theme.
Wednesday, 7 November 2018
Manaiakalani Movie Comment
L.I To write a comment on a Manaiakalani Movie
This week for Commenting, LS1 had to Comment on another schools Manaikalani Movie. I have decided to comment on Tamaki College. I commented on one of their movies. The movie I commented on was the Acid do you love me Movie. It was a cover song of In my feelings. I wrote a Comment about how I really enjoyed their movie. Also I really liked how it was based on their Science.
This week for Commenting, LS1 had to Comment on another schools Manaikalani Movie. I have decided to comment on Tamaki College. I commented on one of their movies. The movie I commented on was the Acid do you love me Movie. It was a cover song of In my feelings. I wrote a Comment about how I really enjoyed their movie. Also I really liked how it was based on their Science.
Monday, 5 November 2018
Armistice day Remembrance 2018
L.I to use our Smart searching skills to find out information about Armistice day.
This week for Inquiry we had to do an activity. It was for the Armistice day remembrance of 2018. We had to use our smart searching skills to find out information about the Last post, the ode, for the fallen and the poppies. We also had to listen to a song called The Last post. We watched two videos, one of the videos were played by man who was playing the trumpet. The second video was played by a man who used an Electric guitar to play the song.
Friday, 2 November 2018
This week I have done my Commenting. I have commented on Nyjah's Blog. Her blog post was about the weather of Auckland. It was also about this week's weather. I have written a kind full comment about her blogpost. In my comment I included a greeting, what she needed to work on, what I liked about it and also I added a connection.
Basic Facts boxes
This week for my Can do I have done Basic Facts Boxes. This is where we can answer Addition questions or Subtraction questions. I have decided to do the Additions. Next week I will be doing my Subtractions. After a few weeks i will be up to my time tables. I filled out 10 boxes with Addition questions. Some of these questions were easy and some were not. This was where you had to write in an answer in the boxes and if you answer the question correctly it will show up with Correct. If you answer the question incorrectly it'll show up with Try again.
World War 1 Interactive Notebook | Inquiry
This week for Inquiry my partner and I have completed our timeline slide on the Interactive story notebook. The slide had questions about the war. With those questions we had to do research on them and also we had 2 link on the top. With those link they were for us to look for some information about the questions. We had 6 questions to answer. We had a site that had the time line from before the war started and after the war ended. I was really interested in the different kind of information that was included on the site.
SSR Selfie
This week for SSR Selfie I have decided to read Silver Dolphins. I got this book from our school library. I wrote a description of what the book was about, I added a title and Also I put a photo of what the book cover looks like. I read for 15 minutes to get a good description of what the book is about. I found out that the book was about a secret silver dolphin called Antonia. She was responsible for helping the creatures of the bay when their environment was threatened.
Kiwi Sport | Boxing
L.I To learn the Discipline of Boxing
This week for Kiwi Sport we did more Boxing. In Boxing we learnt 2 different punches. The punches were Uppercuts and a Hook. Before we did that we had 90 seconds to put on the Boxer's. If we didn't complete the task the whole of Group B would have to do 1 Burpie. The count goes on and on and on. Once everyone finished putting on the Boxer's we had to find a partner and stand in the middle of the hall and wait.
We had to sit into our rock position and practise the punches that we learnt last week. Once everyone was in the middle of the hall Pacs asked us about what skills we learnt last week. We all answered Jab and Cross. We also went over the 3 commandments (Respect,Discipline and Safety). After that Pacs showed us how to Uppercut in boxing. We had to do our Rock and have our hand on our cheeks to prevent our face from getting injured.
For the hook we had to get our boxers and put them on our cheeks. Once they were on our cheeks we had to twist then throw our left or right hand to in the air and make your hand be centred with your nose. Then that is how to do the Hook. To do the Upper cut you needed to get back into your rock position then do a jab half way. Once your halfway with the Jab you had to turn your hand so that your fist is facing upwards. Then just leave your hand to go up. If you do that to someone in a boxing ring it'll be like your punching their chin up.
This week for Kiwi Sport we did more Boxing. In Boxing we learnt 2 different punches. The punches were Uppercuts and a Hook. Before we did that we had 90 seconds to put on the Boxer's. If we didn't complete the task the whole of Group B would have to do 1 Burpie. The count goes on and on and on. Once everyone finished putting on the Boxer's we had to find a partner and stand in the middle of the hall and wait.
We had to sit into our rock position and practise the punches that we learnt last week. Once everyone was in the middle of the hall Pacs asked us about what skills we learnt last week. We all answered Jab and Cross. We also went over the 3 commandments (Respect,Discipline and Safety). After that Pacs showed us how to Uppercut in boxing. We had to do our Rock and have our hand on our cheeks to prevent our face from getting injured.
For the hook we had to get our boxers and put them on our cheeks. Once they were on our cheeks we had to twist then throw our left or right hand to in the air and make your hand be centred with your nose. Then that is how to do the Hook. To do the Upper cut you needed to get back into your rock position then do a jab half way. Once your halfway with the Jab you had to turn your hand so that your fist is facing upwards. Then just leave your hand to go up. If you do that to someone in a boxing ring it'll be like your punching their chin up.
Evaluating our writing test recounts
This week for writing we had to Evaluate our writing. The writing that we Evaluated on was Our Recounts that we wrote in the writing test this week. Evaluate means form an idea of the amount.number, or values of assess.We had to give our computers to someone in Mr Wongs writing groups and let them give you a score. They were to give you a score from the writing rubric. I gave my computer to Sakina. The computer I had was Victoria's. We had to read the whole story that was written. Once we finished reading the story we had to go to the Writing rubric and give a score to the person. Sakina gave me an R4 and I gave Victoria an R4.
Interactive story book | Questions
L.I to make a book interactive.
L.I to analyse a story for it's conflict and resolution.
This week for Reading we had to do a slide that was interactive story book. It was for a book called U-Turn. The Interactive story book was were people can press something on a slide presentation and then do activity and stuff on it. If you press the highlighted things on the 2nd slide you will be taken to a different slide. You have to answer the questions correctly. If you answer the question wrong it will show up with "Incorrect". There are 2 Te reo Maori questions, 4 vocabulary questions and 1 figurative language question
Thursday, 1 November 2018
Fractions Problems
This week for Maths we had to make a slide. On the slide is 3 Math problems. These problems were kind of a copy from the Gloss Test questions. You need to try and figure out how to solve the question using a strategy. You are not allowed to use the same strategy for each questions. I worked in a group of 3. In my group was Victoria,Miiana and I. We all had different kinds of problems using different kinds of items. I used Berries,Victoria used Cookies and Miiana used beans.